Frequently Asked Questions
Who are Objective Gap Safety?
Since 2002, Objective Travel Safety Ltd have been providing Gap Year Travel Safety courses for young travellers preparing to go abroad on their gap year. Whether they are travelling independently or with a Gap year company or provider.
We also trained Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman before their 'Long Way Round' and 'Long Way Down' expeditions. We train journalists travelling to hostile environments no our HEST/HET courses and many business including large corporations who have employees travelling overseas, providing duty of care to their employees.
What courses do you offer?
A one-day course for backpackers, gap year students and those taking a yearout, preparing for a journey of a lifetime. We give them the skills, confidence and knowledge to keep safe on their gap year on a fun and interactive day.
Where is the course held?
Our one-day course is held regularly in London at the Troubadour Café, near Earls Court Tube Station. Click here to see our course dates and availability.
We also offer our course virtually for those that are unable to attend in person.This course is delivered via Zoom and is also a popular choice.
How long is the course?
The training starts at 9.30am and finishes at 4.30pm and includes lunch. We ask that if you would like additional help with planning routes or more specific advice, then we’d love you to stay afterwards for a drink and we will be pleased to give you help and advice on the best places to go and what to see.
Our trainers are experienced travellers who have visited numerous destinations overseas including popular destinations such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, South Africa, South America and Central America and many more destinations and we can therefore offer invaluable, first-hand advice for the traveller of their own specific experiences.
Who will do the training?
We have a mix of both male and female instructors (Charlie McGrath) and (Looby Mills) instructors delivering the training in London and virtually online.
What is the cost?
Our in-person course costs just £175 and can be booked online www.objectivegapyear.com/dates or simply call us 01788 899029 to make an enquiry or book over the phone. A small price to pay for your peace of mind for your young traveller, knowing how to stay safe and make the most of their travels.
The cost of the Virtual Gap Year Travel Safety course is just £130, again bookable online.
How soon do I need to go on the course before travelling?
We recommend that you book at least one month in advance of travelling.
Where can I find out more about the Gap Year Training courses?
Take a look at what we cover on our courses: www.objectivegapyear.com/course. We get frequent, fabulous reviews from our courses. See what other students and gap year travellers say about us and how we have helped them prior to their travels. www.objectivegapyear.com/testimonials
What is the aim of the course?
To give young travellers the confidence, skills and knowledge to act safe, be aware of danger and how to avoid it and to get off the beaten track and enjoy their travels. We teach to how to recognise danger and avoid trouble, as well as lots of practical tips such as how not to get mugged, avoiding Malaria and Dengue Fever, taking taxis and carrying money. We also teach them some life-saving first-aid and so much more.
It is important for all young travellers to be aware of the potential dangers when travelling abroad and to know what to do if danger arises. We also give help and advice on what to take, how to get about, medical issues, keeping safe.
We find that concerned parents are also keen for their children to attend our one-day course as it gives them peace of mind and can also reassure worried and anxious parents that their son or daughter has had some help to negotiate the challenges that may lie ahead.
How regularly do you run the courses?
Usually once or twice a month with more courses scheduled in December and January when most backpackers and gap year travellers are getting prepared to embark on their journey.
See our dates of our courses here: www.objectivegapyear.com/dates
How do I pay for the course?
Place your order online here, or alternatively call 01788 899029 and we can take your booking and payment over the phone.
Do you have any special offers?
Yes we do, if 4 people who are travelling or backpacking together book the course, one goes free of charge. A saving of £175. You don't necessarily need to book the course for the same date to get the offer. Therefore, it is definitely worth getting your friends to come on the course too. Call us on 01788 899029 to process this offer.
We are travelling as a small group, do we all need to attend the training?
Yes, we do recommend that all those in the party attend the training. It is vital that when you are learning how to keep safe, or what to do in certain situations, that you are ALL aware of the dangers and pitfalls and how to avoid them.
How many people will be on the course?
A maximum of 12 people to ensure good interaction throughout the day. More than this and the group is too large and it's less personal.
Do teenagers enjoy the course?
Some do arrive a little sceptical and some are attending because their concerned parents have paid for them. However, because it is such a relaxed course, with like-minded people attending they feel at home straight away and they make friends, find travel companions and really enjoy the relaxed atmosphere that we create throughout the day.
See our recent testimonials which really says it all!: “My daughter really enjoyed the course. She had been slightly resistant to attending to say the least… On the way home she texted me “sorry to have doubted you, it was actually really really good!” When home we had an action replay of the best parts of the day which was very entertaining. I will certainly be recommending you. Thank you for putting so much effort into the delivery”.
Suzanne Kershaw - Mother
Will I get to ask to questions about my specific plans for my gap year and where I will be travelling to?
Yes, there is plenty of opportunity to discuss where you will be travelling. At time of booking we ask for your destinations so the course is then tailored to the countries that your group will be attending. We’d love you to stay for a drink afterwards too and discuss your specific journey and your own route with one of the trainers who will be very happy to give you advice and the best places to go and see.
Do I get any information to take away with me?
A comprehensive folder with detailed notes and links to important websites for advice and safety It’s also a good idea to bring a notepad and pen with you too!
I need to purchase some travel kit – Do you sell any specific gap year travel safety items?
We have a complete range of products that we sell both online and at the course for you to take away with you. These products are specifically chosen and tested as quality, essential products for gap year travellers and those backpacking abroad. They range from a water purifier bottle (our best seller!) to first-aid kits, sleeping bag liners, travel doorlocks, padlocks to even a portable sink plug.
See our complete range of products here.
Do you offer Gap Year Courses, Workshops or Talks for Schools?
Yes, we offer a number of different talks, courses and workshops, assembly talks to schools, colleges and universities, whether in Sixth (6th) form Years 12 and 13, younger school years, University Under-Graduates or Post-Graduates, giving safety advice for those preparing to travel on a Gap Year, those going backpacking or just needing general urban safety advice.
We frequently run courses, talks and discussions for various schools throughout the UK as well as attending Gap Fairs and UCAS school evenings too. See our Courses for Schools Information page and contact us for more details.
For more information and to book a course - click here
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Thu 01 May 25 | Virtual | 5 | left |
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